Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hello July

Okay, apologies to myself for breaking my promise to myself. There's a Guvner song "Break a Promise" - that's running thru my head right now.

It is a bad sign when the URL for my blog doesn't even show up in my own history and my internet explorer no longer knows to auto-populate the rest of the URL for this alleged blog.... and, it has been over 5 months since my last post.

I apologize to my writing because it has to go back to being rusty, rusty like fingers that don't remember how to write a letter or a journal entry in a lined black book.

It's sort of like yoga. When I am doing it regularly, I'm fairly good at it and the poses flow together fairly effortlessly. Mind you, that is after about 2 weeks of everyday yoga.
Then I don't do it for months, and it is starting over. So creaky mind, start thinking and writing.

Stephen Covey has something to say about it taking 21 days to form a new habit, but what does he say about breaking one? What does he say about getting out of a nice healthy routine? I will add it to my list of things to research and someday I will do a blog post answering all these random questions I have posed to myself.

There is one habit I know I need to break - eating at night. Yikes. This was something I didn't do before this past winter. Curse you, Winter of 2010-2011. Your hold on me was strong. I developed some unhealthy drinking and eating habits - If I'm home, I watch something on Netflix, or read and of course eat along with it. and such healthy things like cheese and crackers. It doesn't take long to gain 15-20 pounds. While I don't have a scale, that's what I'm guessing. In reality, it's probably 10 but it feels heavy in this humid weather.

Anyway, enough about winter, enough apologies, enough rambling about weight because there are few things more boring than listening to a girl lament her weight, for real, I get it. I'm bored myself. It's just hard to undo six (or wasn't winter more like eight this year?) months of winter inactivity, even though that's no excuse.

I'm really here to put in a plug for the most beautiful advice column I have happened upon. Thanks to The Sun magazine for republishing one of her letters and introducing me to her. Thanks to Rachel for The Sun subscription these past two Christmases which has led to beautiful things for me.
Check her out:
Dear Sugar at

Tomorrow I will post the column I keep reading and should really send to all my friends. It is heart wrenching and loving. It's something for young women to think about and remember. Life is fleeting and we get so wrapped up in so many things- we can't see it while we're in it. Sugar looks back and bares her soul for our benefit.
See, I'm laying the groundwork for a new good habit, a daily posting.
Will I remember? I'll give myself 21 days.

Now I have to go because I am completely hooked on these old Ally McBeal episodes. What did we do before Netflix watch instantly? Oh yeah, we paid $125 a month for cable. I still don't have TV. It is now 3 years.

Good Night and Happy Healthy Habit Forming!

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