Thursday, July 14, 2011

Quick and Random

Aw, that's not what I meant. Why'd you have to go and be dirty like that?

It's the wee hours of the night and I have been up way too late way too often... (could it be I'm trying to savor every last second of this short summer we have?--- fleeting.)

Anyway, I've never traveled to Japan and was surprised to learn about these capsule hotels. They're not new news, but we don't have them here in the U.S. Check it out - Google is weird about inserting a link to images, so just do your own search (sorry) - capsule hotels Japan.

I am intrigued. The photos remind me of Hollywood Squares, stacked on top of each other, except for sleeping purposes, not for exchanging witty banter - or singing the Brady Bunch song. Freaky. I don't know if I could handle it or if I would have a panic attack. It also reminds me of that horrible scene in the X-Files movie... and then wasn't there one like that in the Matrix? Creepy. And I think it instills a primal fear that we may be reduced to such living quarters in the future if the government ever took control in some weird futuristic control -- AAAHH!! Also an ADD moment- need to watch both of those above mentioned movies again. 10 years is far too long. Details are forgotten.
And a related ADD side note, why did I ever read the book "Coma" by Robin Cook as a 14 year old. There are certain word images that will never leave my brain... an interesting future post.

Here is the other random (thought, not encounter, geez)-
Mary Olson, fabulous local artist. I forgot how much I love her work and forgot about the days when considering real live art was in my purchase budget. Hopefully those days will be back. They will.

In the meantime, the background is when I worked for a marketing company in DT Mpls, we hosted an art event that featured local artists. Mary Olson was one. Her work was displayed on our walls for awhile.. and there was one specific painting I always hoped to buy. It sold. But check out this one.. called "Trees" - fantastic.

A salute to local artists and a tilt of the head in confusion about capsule hotels and Robin Cook.

Night night.

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