Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dream another dream

I had another vivid dream last night. I had a blood transfusion. It was traumatic because, rather than a needle, they poked a big thick tube into a vein in my arm. I watched the entire bag drain into my body. I wasn't in a car accident or anything, just wasn't feeling well and the doctor decided that a blood transfusion would do the trick.
The reason this holds special significance to me is because Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions, even if facing death.
Or was the bag of blood a parallel to the bags of chemo my dad has been taking in treatment?
Dreams are fascinating and the two I have had lately were really clear and detailed.
I have no interpretation, just observation.
I went to Present Moment yesterday and had a great time browsing their amazing collection of books, and the overwhelming jars, bottles, containers of herbs, natural cures, and on and on. Check it out:
A friend and I had a reading by a psychic named Tammy. Mine was so over the top positive, it didn't surprise me, and I am still smiling. The reason it didn't surprise me is that a lot of it was things I've been sensing, just better times ahead overall. But it never hurts to hear it twice. She's great, by the way. You can schedule through Present Moment, or call her directly.
There is also an herbalist there who will give you recommendations, make combinations of herbal remedies for you. Over the past few months, I have had the worst complexion I've ever had in my life, even as a teenager. I attributed it to stress, and finally thought I should try something. Anything topical just seemed to irritate it. It's been a funny combination of dry skin with acne.
So I asked him. He looked at my face and told me he thinks it is digestion related. A good friend and an intuitive healer had both told me the same thing. I guess I need to hear the same information like twenty times over the course of six months before I finally take action. Anyway, he gave me a kidney cleanse tea and an intestinal cleanse powder to mix with water once the tea is gone. I'm really excited to try it and see what a difference it makes. Of course, I am not a fan of tea, so I'll probably have to plug my nose or something... but if it helps with my not so clear skin, I'll take it. I've been avoiding wearing my hair pulled back because the worst of it is on the sides of my face. Everyone I know who has tried a cleanse loves it. So, I'm looking forward to feeling lighter and less acned.
It was a beautiful sunny day today so a friend and I walked around the lake. We ended up walking for almost two hours. It was one of those "we have to soak up this natural light while we can" moments. That can't hurt my skin either.
Overall, it was a weekend of a lot of quiet reflection for me as well. I watched my crazy movies Friday, went out with friends yesterday and last night, and was pretty quiet today.
I just finished making homemade chicken stew... and now off to bed.
I'm looking forward to the week. The boys and I will get serious about Christmas this weekend, get our tree, start some shopping, all the good stuff.
We did do a little shopping Friday. We're sponsoring a child and his parent at their school. They have a really neat program. So. it was fun to pick out those gifts. I told the kids before we went shopping that it was not about them that day. Of course, being kids, it did become about them and my oldest in particular did some pouting and near crying over the things he wanted. But, overall, hopefully a small lesson in giving was learned. I can only hope, and laugh a little bit at the way kids are. I was the same way. Sharing and giving is almost against our nature sometimes. Yet, a book I read once, it may have even been "The Secret" said if we hold onto things, we are in effect telling the universe or God that we don't trust it to provide for us. That's an interesting way to view it. The more we give the more we get. Abundance and gratitude attact more of the same.
Good Night and sweet dreams of prosperity and love, maybe even the steamy foreign films kind of love. ha ha

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