I can't believe the amount of snow we now have. I've lived in Minnesota my whole life - in Minneapolis for the past 13 years, and I don't recall such a spectacle of Mother Nature.
First of all, it was my birthday weekend. Second, it was the hugest snowstorm ever. It's more than a whole winter's worth already. It's going to be a mess in the spring.
The big bad snow falls make me get nostalgic. I love the way neighbors help each other. I've read similar experiences about hurricanes in the south.
I went out for happy hour Friday night after work. Some other friends and I were supposed to go to Lurcat at 10, but by the time I got home, I was way too tired and lazy. So I cancelled. I don't think anyone minded. Who wants to start the night at 10, especially when there's a storm a brewin'....
So, I went to bed at 10 instead and smiled the whole night through in my cozy down comforter. Ah, I think it's a sign of getting old when staying in is happier than going out.
When I woke up around 6:30, there was plenty of snow. I didn't worry about it, but was happy for an extra incentive to relax. Then when I looked out my window later, after drowsing for a couple of more hours, I couldn't believe the substantial change. My car was now covered.
I was lazy and self indulgent, so I just layed around some more, read, and watched an interesting National Geographic documentary called "Moment of Death" - it addressed an age old question of what death really is -when the heart stops beating? when there is no brain activity? ...thought provoking.... now we have ways to measure things that people didn't have in the past, and yet in a lot of ways, we are clueless still. Death is a fluid concept.
Some friends bought me a birthday present ticket for Doomtree Blowout at First Avenue for that night, but it looked doubtful that we would be able to go. I knew there was no way my car was coming out of the snowbank until it at least stopped snowing.
I watched another movie "Happy Accidents" with Marisa Tomei and Vince D'Onofrio -- about time travel, well sort of, you're not sure. It's worth checking out on a blizzardy day in Minnesota when you're comfortable with being holed up in your warm house.
About 6:30 my friend texted me and said "We're going -we'll pick you up. no pressure."
I was like, "oh hell yes" I'm in - an opportunity to see a show that would be next to empty? A chance to drive around in the snow drifts and run breathlessly in downtown, literally jumping over snowbanks like they were make shift hurdles? Sign me up!
The show turned out to be absolutely perfect. I've never been there when it was so empty. It's hard to judge, but I'm going to say there were less than 200 people there... We had an excellent view... and the energy of the show was fabulous.
Later we went to Bryant Lake Bowl for a delicious burger and nachos. A perfect end to a fun night.
I'm glad I had the chance to see that show. It's not something that would have been on my radar at all. I'm not a huge rap fan, although I do love POS, Atmosphere and Brother Ali. It was great. Dessa is amazing. What a cool lady. I'm always proud of women musicians - like Nona from Dark Dark Dark too - totally different genre of music, but powerful talented women.
I'm probably spelling a ton of things wrong tonight, especially the actors in "Happy Accidents" but oh well. I don't have time to be perfect tonight. I'm going to go to bed shortly so I can get up and do yoga. I'm not waiting for January 1st.
With the bounty of chocolate, cookies, catered lunches treated to us at work non-stop -- and on and on, I have packed on a good ten pounds in the last month. Well, I don't have a scale, but judging by the way my jeans are fitting these days, it's time to make a change- post haste!
By the way, I have to mention how great Dark Dark Dark was last week. Wow. A friend bought me their latest CD and a really amazing black and white poster for my birthday. When I am technologically more proficient, I will upload it. I can't say enough about how much I love Dark Dark Dark and Nona's amazing voice.
And I'll upload a photo of my car cocoon - it started out as a mohawk look , with a ton of snow peaking in the middle, then it morphed into a completely snow encased phenomenon.
I've got a lot of shopping to do tomorrow - so peace and love. Stay warm in your hearts too - it beats the cold.
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