Monday, November 22, 2010

Despicable Me

is a cute movie.
My kids and I saw it yesterday at the Riverview Theatre. - the best theatre in the city, as far as I'm concerned. I love the neighborhood and they have real buttered popcorn, not the yellow fake so called they serve at AMC. That is one of my pet peeves about AMC and why I wait for movies to come to the Riverview. Plus it's really cool to support a local establishment that offers all kinds of cool distractions - for example, they'll do an Alfred Hitchcock tribute every Monday night during the summer and other random goodies.
As far as "Despicable Me", I had trouble getting into it for the first half hour or so, but then it started to grow on me with monumental speed, even brought a couple of tears to my eyes. I'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars.
We had a nice quiet weekend. There is something wonderful about wintry dreary weather. It provides a guilt free excuse to hole up in the house and watch movies, read a book, browse online, and so forth.
I finished "Tales of Burning Love" by Louise Erdrich. It was right up my alley as far as tales of relationships. I won't ruin a bit of the plot but I will say, I enjoy her writing style immensely.
Speaking of books, a friend introduced me to You can track your own reading and see what your friends are reading too. By updating her page on this site, my friend has given me great ideas for books to read. I'm looking forward to starting the next one this week.
So, December approaches with lightning speed. I'm looking forward to all sorts of things - Thanksgiving, gift giving, snowboarding, writing, cross country skiing, warm fires, and sending out some kick ass Christmas cards. Check out for ideas. Also, I plan to give some french paper cards as gifts. I love this stuff. It's so creative.
This is what is on my little brain today - ideas, ideas, ideas - perhaps a bit of restlessness.
I started out this morning being more grumpy than I have been in months. I'm not sure what prompted it -maybe the days of crummy weather - the lack of sunshine. But, we ordered Chinese food last Friday again, and here is what my fortune said "Discontent is the first necessity of progress" -- now that, that is inspirational. Perhaps my grumpiness stems from the recognition that there are changes to be made in my life, and how! I've been talking forever about going back to school, moving to a different place in the city, just for starters. Maybe this is the right amount of discomfort... and it will move me to set these plans in motion.
It's a work in progress, this life of mine, but it is progress none-the-less.

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